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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.



Have equipment to donate?

RSC accepts donations of kids cleats and shin guards that are in acceptable shape. If they belong in the trash please put them there!

Otherwise, we request that you wash all items before donating them. Look for the blue plastic bin in the equipment shack.

Need equipment?

The chances are your child will outgrow their cleats in one season.  Before you purchase cleats that are a size too big to avoid this problem, check the FREE cleat donation rack. All shoes hanging there have been washed.

If you're looking for local shops for soccer equipment, check Dicks in Kingston or Olympia Sports in New Paltz.

We also give away older balls when we have them and these are fine for beginners. 

Questions? Write to [email protected]

Cleats & Shin Guards

What are soccer cleats? Do players need them?

Soccer cleats are not required by the region, but they will provide better traction for the athlete than standard tennis shoes.  They are not the same as baseball cleats (which have a spike at the toe). They are available at most sporting goods stores, many shoe stores, and many discount stores.

What are shin guards? Do players need them?

Shin guards are an essential safety device, since the shins (and ankles) are generally the part of the body closest to the ball (and thus often to other players' feet). They generally include some kind of plastic covering the shins, and often the ankles too. They should be worn to all practices and games. They are available at most sporting goods stores.

According to an article in the Summer 1996 issue of Spotlight on Youth Sports
, a newsletter of the Institute for the Study of Youth Sports states, “Shin guards are a necessary piece of equipment to reduce soccer injuries to the lower leg.” That's why AYSO requires their use in all practices and games.

In reference to a study cited in the Penn State Sports Newsletter, the article states, "Shin guards worn during soccer matches can reduce the force delivered by a kick to the leg by 44 to 77 percent, depending on the type of protective guard worn."

After ankle sprains and knee strains, shin injuries are the third most common injury in soccer. This type of injury commonly occurs when players attempting to kick the ball strike each other instead with a strong, cleated kick.

To prove the importance of wearing shin guards, researchers tested 22 types of shin guards weighing anywhere from 2 to 6.5 ounces. A weighted pendulum device was used to strike test dummies wearing each type of shin guard. While heavier shin guards protected typically well, many other lighter versions also performed sufficiently well and would be easier for a player to maneuver with.

The article suggested that players look for a shin guard light enough to move around in, yet heavy enough to provide adequate protection. AYSO requires that all players wear shin guards during practices and games. This injury reducer is low in cost, yet high on safety!


Contact Us

Rondout Soccer Club (AYSO 965)

350 Tongore Rd 
Kingston, New York 12401

Email Us: [email protected]