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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.


Become A Volunteer


Rondout Soccer Club has run on volunteers consistently for nearly half a century and we need you to keep it going

There are many ways to be involved, even with very little time.

Volunteering for one of the  Club Positions (sign up for these online)

 Head Coach

You will be assigned one team for the season. Responsible for assisting with training during practices and managing the Saturday morning games, always scheduled between 9 -12. During games you will manage player positions and substitutions. Also responsible for all Team communications, whether by text, email or phone.
No experience necessary. Training provided, as needed. 

Time commitment: min one practice per week + game day. About 2 hrs/week

Assistant Coach

Help the Team Coach with practices and cover during the games when the Team Coach is unavailable.  No experience necessary. Training provided, as needed. 

Time commitment: 1-2 hrs/week


This club runs on volunteers. There are many ways to lend a hand whether you have experience with soccer or not! Help line the fields, setup goals and field flags, organize uniforms and the equipment shed, lend a hand at the concessions stand, and lots more. If you want to help but you're not sure how, just Sign Up as a Volunteer and send an email inquiry to [email protected].  THANK YOU!

Referee (or Youth Referee)

This position requires training. It’s not too intense and we provide if for free. Referees typically ref 11 games each season.

Concessions Staff

The Snack Shack is our home field concession stand. It requires restocking week-to-week so we can keep the supplies fresh, and a friendly face to manage the sales. The Shack operates every Saturday during the season, 9am - 1145am. You don’t have to commit to every weekend for this position.

Board Member 

Assists with all organizational aspects of club on and off season, attends once-a-month meetings during the season.

Time commitment: one Saturday morning per month, 9-10am; additional 1-2 hrs per month of administrative assistance

2. Volunteering Your Skillset (send inquiries to: [email protected])

“I work in marketing/advertising….” We currently advertise our program to all the local schools at least 3 times per year. And you’ve probably seen our removable street signs at the start of every season. We need hands on deck for these campaigns, and we’re always looking for new ways to get the word out. 

“I’m a social media guru…” STOP EVERYTHING, and contact us, please! Our club serves close to 200 local families all year round. Communications are a real challenge and as you might have noticed, social media is a major hole in our communications strategy.

“I’m a graphic designer…” Branding? Rebranding? We’re proud of our logo redesign in 2018, but that’s not to say we’re done. We’ve discussed developing some swag, hats, t-shirts, etc. We need you to make this happen!

“I work in development….” Where have you been all my life?! Community soccer is the bedrock of US soccer because unlike travel or academy programs, we are 100% committed to erasing the financial barriers to participation. We cannot afford to exclude any child because of costs. That means our fees will always remain low, and we’d like to make them even lower. 

There’s money out there to support our approach and we’ve designed a training program that is very efficient so a small fundraising campaign can go a loooooooooong way.  Call us!

“I’m a contractor, or I’m handy….” Well then you are probably overwhelmed with work in our area :) Helping to maintain our modest shed is the only project we’ll add to your list.

*If you really have some free time on your hands, redesigning the interior to help with organization awaits your imagination.

“I’m an event coordinator, or I just really like throwing parties…” We love parties! We currently hold one event each season, Spring and Fall, and we need help with these. Please reach out!

“I’m a photographer. How about live action pics of the players?” Great idea! We could post these on our website and FB page. Please reach out :)

3. Volunteering for Seasonal Projects (send inquiries to: [email protected])

Distributing the street signs 1x per season

One month before each season we put up street signs advertising registration. Put these up, and then collect them 3 weeks after the season starts and return to equipment shed.

Pumping up the balls 2x

Who can’t do this?! Don’t worry, we can teach you in 30 seconds. It needs to happen prior to the season launch and then periodically throughout the season. Sign up to do it twice!

Lining a field 1x

Ever pushed a toddler tricycle? Then you can line a field. You can do this on an off-day or show up 30 minutes prior to your child’s game or practice and take care of it then.

Setting up & breaking down the goals on game day

No goals means no goals, and everyone loves goals! They look as complicated as origami but you can definitely do it. Show up 20 minutes before game time, grab the appropriate goal bags from the shed and get them up in time for the games. Do the reverse to put them away :)

Organizing the equipment shed 1x

Lots of kids + lots of equipment = a complete mess.

Learn where everything goes during our season orientation and make it happen for the club once during the season :)

Organizing the FREE equipment 1x

Scientific studies prove that people are more inclined to take free equipment if it’s organized. Help out by making sure the cleat rack looks cleaner than a DSW showroom.



Food service, at the Cafe

The folks operating the Cafe have kids in the club too and they’d like to watch some games! Volunteer to help with sales for 45 min when your child’s game is over. Doing this even once a season is a big help. Speak directly with the Cafe staff to learn more.



Contact Us

Rondout Soccer Club (AYSO 965)

350 Tongore Rd 
Kingston, New York 12401

Email Us: [email protected]